Advertise with Cape Ann Plein Air

October 4-12, 2025

Thank you for being a Cape Ann Plein Air Program Book contributor and for your ongoing support of CAPA is greatly appreciated. Our advertisers have been integral in supporting the arts through the purchase of an ad in the Program Book.

About Advertising in our program book:

  • Program books are delivered to many businesses in the greater Cape Ann area and beyond from Newburyport to Salem and Lynnfield, high volume establishments, Banks, Hotels, Public access locations.

  • NOW Linked! Your ad is on www.capeannpleinair forever, when a viewer clicks on your ad it goes to YOUR web site.

  • Our CAPA Social Media team will be doing shout-outs for ad buyers and your support for CAPA will be linked to facebook, Instagram with email blasts to 3000 subscribers.

  • Program books are given out at all CAPA events year round. See our list of events as we are continually adding new ones.

  • CAPA followers are a good demographic for shopping locally.

Our publication supports the ongoing thriving Cape Ann art scene and the entirety of CAPA week as well as a yearly donation to Cape Ann Art Haven, a non-profit arts program, dedicated to providing high quality art education and community building to all on Cape Ann, regardless of skill level, background or income.

Planning is in high gear. The preparation of the program book is an important part of this successful arts week that you have supported in the past.

Please complete the forms below and you may pay online. Questions? Please email Sara Harper at by May 1st. Thank you!

Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Volunteering? Housing an artist? Hosting an event? Please email!

Cape Ann Plein Air Advertising Agreement 2025

Pay online using the button below, if mailing a check, please send to Cape Ann Plein Air, P.O. Box 571, Essex, MA 01929